Donnerstag, 3. Juni 2010

The examines are done-Let´s Party!

Guys, you all know our examines are done now, the last class-tests are written and the teachers and profs can tell us whatever they want...we are free for the last month till the SUMMER VACATIONS and the weekends will be filled with partys!!!!!!! Noone is really at school at the moment 'cause we are all absent in some different ways. I am sitting in my great apartement, polishing my toenails in different colors, watching Gossip Girl and don't even think about geography, the lesson I should actually have at the moment. And all my classmates are absent too. The poor teachers who sit in class without their pupils right now!


Byron, Nike and Alex @ the Fairwayhouse-stairs waiting for a mysterious young man with some sachets-we all know what STUFF is in there, don't we?!

Lisa-Marie and Antoin sitting in one of Antoins little, french cafes @ Sunwayboulevard, eating croissants and drinking dark coffee. Are they trying to stay awake this night or are they going to bed early as always?

Selena, Caitlyn, Meagan and Ella @...what do you! They are all such nerds! I am sorry I mean RICH nerds.

Jason and Nici @ Victoria Secrets buying bras. I can't believe Nici is taking JASON with her to buy sexy underwear for her absent lover Chris. Where is Cat?...The adviser-job should be hers!

Cat and !SURPRISE! :ED @ the beach, argueing quite noisy while taking her dog for a walk. One of my secret spies(I love you guys) told me her parents are very good friends with his parents. Well Cat: Get him! or I'll do it!

Lou and !MARY! (yes they are already friends again. You may be surprised about this... All of us is...but this isn't the only surprise this week...later more) seen in San Francisco with two lovely boys, one a little bit fat-but the other one: ADORABLE! Seems Lous flavour is raising.

Zoe, Cassidy and Hazel @ Flowersmall gossiping about Mary&Lou and their stupid plans...they seem to be jealous!

Rachel and her cousin Vanessa in London. Does she want to rip a briton again?

Pearl and her balletclass @ Rosies-Ballet-Theater practising their pirouettes.

Thats all from now...stay tuned! I love you


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