Freitag, 21. Mai 2010

Little J in action!

Opppss! What's that little J?
This seems to be the new generation!
We all know this sweet little girl, don't we?
And we all always thought she could become the nice, good girl...but what can I say? She seems to become a party-girl just like her older sister.
I know she doesn't like to hear this but:
She is on the best way to become what she always tried to hide:
A Magnolia Bay Party Girl!

Donnerstag, 20. Mai 2010

Oops, She Did It Again...

...Rachel said "goodbye", once again!

Rachel, Hazel and Pearl have been the best friends for years...but now it seems to become Hazels destiny which seems to be Rachels curse.

Some years earlier, Cat and Rachel used to be best friends. And then Rachel decided to replace Cat by Pearl and now this seems to repeat oneself just with Hazel. Pearl and Rachel met the new ballet girl Ally and now Hazel is replaced by her and is all alone.

Poor little Hazel...she should have looked for some other friends before - because you can learn out of other peoples mistakes.


April showers bring May flowers!

This goes to all the single(or not single) girls out there!

You all remember Josh? The sweet california guy who left us last month before spring break to study at this stupid british boarding school? Well England seems to be sorry for taking him from us and decided to sent us a NEW god the middle of the session. He is british, cute, a real gentleman and VERY sexy! His name is Edward...I soooo love to say this's like a big, fat chocolate-muffin-orgasm on your tongue! Try it...Eeeeeedward...but anyways, he prefers to be called Ed - the american way. I can tell you, since he walked into our biology class this morning every girl fell in love with him...expect for Cat our icecold Snow Queen. Rumor has it that Cat doesn't hate him like Byron, but doesn't like his attitude, his scarf (yes he is a little bit like Cuck from Gossip Girl! Hot, isn't he???), his accent and his way to recognize all the girls adoring him. Noone actually understands Cats dislike for Ed because there is a very important fact about him:his full name is "Edward William Robert of Landshire" and he is aristocratic, just like Cats mom and we all know Cat would do anything to get her own aristocratic name!
We will see if the Snow Queen will melt away in the future or stay frozen.

Well I've got a great advice for our Snow Queen: April showers bring May flowers...and All good things come from England!


Sonntag, 16. Mai 2010

Surprise: Seen a hot guy on Lou's side

Lou, Lou, Lou! Havent seen this one coming? Doesn't seem so. After putting on the surprise-look we have seen a look we haven't seen before. Was it this guy's fault?

Well Lou, nice choice. Good luck with the surprise-boy you met on a surprise-party. Aren't those parties the best?

Well at least Lou thinks so...


Home-Alone-Party: not so alone...

I know it's late but come on, after such an amazing party I need some rest ;)

The party started at 9.30 pm as usual, at Lou's and what can I say, the caterer was amazing and the apartement looked gorgeous! And there was alcohol...a lot of alcohol! Nobody really knows where Lou is getting all this amazing beer, vodka and so on, without beeing controlled...well, noone except Cat.

The whole Society was invited and, as usual everyone came. Sure, Lisa Marie and Selena were needless but what shall we do? They are a part of us, whether we want it or not and we have to invite them, otherwise it wouldn't look good in public. Some paparazzis stood in front of the apartment house to get a closer look and some photos but this is normal, n´est-ce pas? So the party went on. Cat and Lou were seen at the bar, drinking some pink cocktails. Our little, good girl seemed to have great fun with her naughty best friend!:D I heard that Cat didn't even know what she was drinking...well who knows things like that?

And a few hours later this cute High-School-Party turned out to be a really hot College-Bash. Some of Byron's hot'n'tall College-friends from Cali crashed the party after he had told them about it. Well, thank you Byron:) ! And it was time to unpack little green presents. And at 6am the next day the apartment looked, well, let me say, more like a battlefiel than an apartment of the Uppter Class. A chinese floor vase crashed all the 30 floors down and the TV is broken now! Oops!

Thanks Lou for another great party and to all the little party girls:

Go to bed early tonight the examines will be tough and we all need our beauty-sleep!

Sweet dreams


Donnerstag, 13. Mai 2010


As all of you know, tonight there will be a great party at Lous???!!!

I, and everyone else, can tell you A Lot about those parties!!

Lou is living in a great Penthouse in one of the tall apartment houses near the harbour-theater and when her parents are gone (just like tonight!), and this happens a lot, she is all alone in this wonderful apartment. And what else could a rich, pretty party-girl do in a situation like that?

Right, so back to the parties. At these parties there always happens something. Let's remember the first party, when we were sweet, innocent 13 or 14 Years old? This was the first time some of us (Nici!!!)came in contact with real hard alcohol (not just this typical welcoming-drinks on events). It was a great party until Nici stopped talking and started to sit in a corner on her own, staring at the wall . Well...all of Lous parties are amazing, of course, but most of them end with tears.

The best story I can tell you is about the party, Lou threw when the british-exchange-students from London have been to Magnolia Bay. It was a very cold night in October and Hazel and Rachel were invited as always. What can I say, everyone knows that Rachel is a bitch but Hazel had got a boyfriend then (they are still together) and she was and is, always faithful. But at this party Hazel drank too much beer and vodka and soon she sat on her boyfriends knees and kissed...right: Rachel! Can you imagine how strange this looked?

Well anyways...later Rachel was really upset and cried for the rest of the party, because Hazel and her boyfriend had a very bad beef after this "kissing-affair" and Rachel blamed herself for this disaster.

The next day Rachel and Cat were seen at the noble tennis club, where they had a match and later I was told by one of my secret spies, that Rachel told Cat that the "kissing-affair" was just a friendly kiss between two BFF´s.

Well....I wouldn't give my BFF a french kiss, would you?

So lets see how this party will end tonight!


Seen( 5/12/2010):

Cat and her sweet little sister Julie seen on shopping trip through New York. Pay attention storekeepers, the shopping-sisters are coming and they won´t spare ONE store on 5th Avenue!

Mittwoch, 12. Mai 2010

Lou, Home Alone...

When the cat's away, the mice will play ?

Uh Oh, Lou is throwing one of her famous Home-Alone-Partys.

Well, let's just hope that this time the police will not be invited...

I'll cross my fingers for you ... or maybe not, since I need something to post ;)


Montag, 10. Mai 2010

THE Magnolia Society...


Before I start to tell you all the dirty little secrets about our lovely Magnolia High Society, you gotta know WHO I am talking about... Here are all the names, facts and pictures !!

Name: Catherine Snow
Facts: - her family is aristocratic
- she is 16 years old
- her little sister is Julie Snow
- she loves shopping and everything with clothes
- she loves designing and intrigues
- she loves her friends and family ... but she knows how to play;)

Name: Lou Johnson
Facts: - her parents own a huge hotel chain
- she is 16 years old
- she loves writing, reading, singing, shopping and most of all
- she also loves to travel and see every place in the world and she
loves to bring hot souvenirs ;D
- she also knows how to be a real bitch

Name: Nici Tolobovski
Facts: - her family is from russia and they are oilbillionairs
- she is 16 years old
- she has a younger brother (Marek)
- she likes boys, parties and sports
- she is a really good student but no nerd

Name: Zoe Bennett
Facts: - her parents are famous gallery owners
- she's 16 years old
- she's THE It-Girl
- she loves boys, party and shopping
- she is definitely a bitch, but not stupid !

Name: Mary Coleman
Facts: - her parents are actors
- she's 16 years old
- she knows how to get the boys' attention and loves to play
- she loves party, shopping and acting
- and she knows how to play with people

Name: Cassidy Cook
Facts: - her parents own a big restaurant chain
- she's 16 years old
- her idol is Mary and she follows her everywhere
- she likes everything Mary likes

Name: Rachel Hale
Facts: - her parents are plastic surgeons
- she's 16 years old
- to the outside she seems to be the nice, lovely child but in real life
she's a real partygirl and knows how to get in trouble
- she loves money and loves to spend it

Name: Pearl Harbor
Facts: - her mother is a famour ballett dancer and her father a historian
- she's 16 years old
- her father loves the story of Pearl Harbor, that's why she got her name
- she is well-behaved but tries to be dirty (not much success !)

Name: Hazel Montgomery
Facts: - her parents are models
- she's 16 years old
- she is always well-styled, but doesn't care too much about what others
- she used to be a real partygirl but for some secret (!) reason she
over the summer of '09

Name: Byron C.
Facts: - his parents are architects and they built almost the whole town
- he's 16 years old
- he loves party and his the dealer of the Upper Class
- he knows how to get in trouble but he also knows how to get away from

Name: Alex(ander) Smith
Facts: - his parents are former athletes and now soccer-scouts and owners
of two famous and successful soccer-clubs
- he's 16 years old
- he seems to be the nice guy, but he's not at all
- he loves partys and girls and trouble
- he's the soccer-star of the school

Name: Jason Dunner
Facts: - his parents are very very successful innovators
- he is 15 years old
- he is desperately in love with Nici since ... ever, and he tries everything
to get her
- he actually IS the nice guy, but when it's about Nici he knows how to be
a male bitch

Name: Mark Wineberg
Facts: - his mother died early, his father is a gay stylist for celebs
- he's 16 years old
- he is selfish, stuck-up and always well-dressed
- he's a real bitch and loves tragedy and gossip
- he's trouble in person ... for other people

Name: Nike L.
Facts: - his parents are athletes, that's the reason for his name
- he's 16 years old
- he is a candidate for president of student union
- he is also part of the athletes team of the school
- he can be arrogant, but is usually a nice guy
- always tries to be cool...

Name: Selena Grease
Facts: - her parents are rich docs
- she's 16 years old
- she is a bitch and loves to bring other people in trouble
- she is arrogant and selfish
- she looks way nice than she actually is

Name: Ella K.
Facts: - her dad is a great gothstar
- she's 16 years old
- she is a little goth herself and loves dark stuff
- she's not really a party girl
- she has something creepy about her and most of the people
ignore her out of fear

Name: Meagan W.
Facts: - her parents are very important politicians
- she is 16 years old
- she wants to become a politician herself some day
- she is president of student union
- she can be nice but also arrogant and bitchy, as long as she is fine...

Name: Caitlyn G.
Facts: - her parents are famous environmentalists
- she is 16 years old
- she is a environmentalist herself and loves everything nature
- Meagan is her best friend and they both are no party girls
- but if you need a real bad idea for revenge ... they're your address ;D

Name: Lisa Marie Morton
Facts: - her parents are actors
- she's been adopted
- she's 16 years old
- she is the queen of furtiveness and loves to be in the middle of
- she always invents stories to get all the people's attention

Name: Ann L.
Facts: - her parents own a little second hand shop
- she goes to the school with a scholarship
- she always wants to be cool, but her arrogant and selfish being
isn't really a plus
- she tries to break the others friendships to get IN

Name: Merylin H.
Facts: - her parents have a cute little café on the lower side of Magnolia
- she has a scholarship for the school too
- she is nice and dreamy and does everything her BFF Ann tells

Name: Wayne D.
Facts: - his parents have some technology-empire
- he is 16 years old
- he's a DJ and always makes the movies on the biggest parties
- but this doesn't make him any more popular
- nickname: 'Wendy' ... uh-oh

Name: Antoin G.
Facts: - his parents have a french restaurant chain
- he is 17 years old
- he is gay and Lisa Marie's BFF

Name: Larry B.
Facts: - his parents are celebrity-vets
- he is 16 years old
- his best friend is Antoin
- he loves animals
- freak much?!

Name: Amanda Brick
Facts: - her parents are profs at the NYU
- she is 15 years old
- she's a really good friend of Cat, Lou and Nici
- she loves sports and party and doesn't care what others think about

Name: Beverly Tramp
Facts: - her parents own a huge department store chain
- she is 16 years old
- she is a real 'Tramp' and THE bitch of town
- she loves partys and the boys love her
- she loves to play and is really bad...

Name: Peaches Miller
Facts: - her parents own a deli-shop chain
- she is 16 years old
- Beverly is her BFF and they are the bitches of town
- she does everything Beverly wants

Name: Julie Snow
Facts: - Cat's little sister
- she is 14 years old
- she is not a fan of her older sister and her friends party life
- but how long will she be able to resist until she becomes what every
rich girl is inside her heart ... a bitch ;D

These are our main people ! Stay tuned to find out what they go through, what they keep a secret and everything else that can happen in a rich teenagers life....

hugs & kisses

Sonntag, 9. Mai 2010

Bonjour Mes Amis !

Bonjour mes amis!

The High Society of Magnolia Bay are some boys and some girls, who are all attending the same Highschool, the Magnolia Bay Highschool. Most of them are 16, some are going to turn 17 this fall and all of them are rich. Their parents are THE people on this planet which make the world go round everyday. We have some actors, some V.I.Ps and some politicians, but the list of famous names is WAY longer. Anyway I won't use their real names to leave them at least a little privacy. I'll use pseudonyms and the pictures are going to be the pictures of stars wich are look-a-likes of our friends, their parents or anyone else. Iam sure you'll understand this. Their parents are all important in some way and...if there is money, success and power there ALWAYS will be hate, envy and cruelty. So please try to understand the fear of being punished,kidnapped or worse and respect this. But let's come back to the HighSociety. They're are all living in a small city: Magnolia Bay(a pseudonym too). A city around New York. It has more than 300 thousand inhabitans, a beach, some malls and some great hotels, bars and Spas. You's a little paradise.

This Blog will be about the young High Society's life here in Magnolia Bay, their little, normal problems, their Partys, their familys's going to be full of !GOSSIP!.

I think this is all for today.


btw. Iam going to be on polyvore, too! The name is: Magnolia Society!